OUR MISSIONTo prepare youth in high-risk situations with opportunities to move forward with their lives through horse therapy and a loving community.
OUR BELIEFBroken hearts deserve to be whole again.
Hebrews 4:16—Let us therefore come boldly to the throne of grace, that we may obtain mercy and find grace to help in time of need. Horses Helping Humans Heal |
OUR WHYAbuse and neglect are some of the most pressing concerns of our time and the effects of the pandemic have heightened this issue. At Janice Faye’s Ranch, experiential equine assisted learning with rescued horses assists at-risk youth suffering from abuse find healing and for some is their only hope for moving forward with their life.
For those who don’t know the ranch’s story, it developed out of one family’s tragedy and heartbreak. It became more evident of the need for assisting traumatized children and their guardians after the founder and her husband became foster parents. Joy felt God sharing a vision for a safe haven for kids who may have been or be in a traumatic situation and as a result, Janice Faye’s Ranch was born. It was named after Joy’s mom, Janice Faye, who lived her life for Jesus until He called her home after a car accident at the early age of 44. She lived and believed in the Golden Rule of treating others the way you want to be treated so the goal is to carry on this legacy of hope at Janice Faye’s Ranch.
Janice Faye’s Ranch, Inc. process of becoming a nonprofit began in 2018 and the ranch saw it’s first client in September of 2020. Since then, the program has increased from (1) participant to over (50+). The service is free for participants and is strictly volunteer-based.
In the rural area where the program is administered, youth and their families learn principles taught through the Natural Lifemanship module. Relationship Logic is the neuroscience that allows us to identify relationship patterns while maintaining the belief that our brains can change through new and healthy experiences. All of us are ‘broken’ in some ways or others, would you agree? Some may be suffering from depression, grief, the effects of physical or sexual abuse, cancer, the effects of divorce and the list goes on. Horses allow us all room to ‘heal’. They have the ability to make you feel in the present moment and make talking about brokenness or trauma so much easier. They’re nonjudgmental and they’re more concerned with the present than the past or the future. If they sense danger, they run to safety, then go right back to grazing. They don’t stay up all night worrying about it. They go right back to enjoying and living life, taking it step by step, minute by minute. And they can teach us to do that.
After a challenging and uncertain few years, we remain confident in God’s provision for the ranch’s mission. We are grateful fo the ‘Journey Takers’ (Donors), Innovation Specialists (Volunteers) and participants (Champions) and are reminded as we continue and add new programs at the ranch that there is still good out there.
From Experiencing God day by day--
by Henry T. and Richard Blackaby
The most dramatic changes in your life will come from God’s initiative, not yours. The people God used mightily in Scripture were all ordinary people to whom He gave divine assignments that they never could have initiated. The Lord often took them by surprise for they were not seeking significant mandates form God. Even so, he saw their hearts, and He knew they were trustworthy.
Is God calling you? If so, why not join us in this life-changing ministry? Please contact us now. We’re anxious to share life and the experiences here at the ranch with you…..
Janice Faye’s Ranch, Inc. process of becoming a nonprofit began in 2018 and the ranch saw it’s first client in September of 2020. Since then, the program has increased from (1) participant to over (50+). The service is free for participants and is strictly volunteer-based.
In the rural area where the program is administered, youth and their families learn principles taught through the Natural Lifemanship module. Relationship Logic is the neuroscience that allows us to identify relationship patterns while maintaining the belief that our brains can change through new and healthy experiences. All of us are ‘broken’ in some ways or others, would you agree? Some may be suffering from depression, grief, the effects of physical or sexual abuse, cancer, the effects of divorce and the list goes on. Horses allow us all room to ‘heal’. They have the ability to make you feel in the present moment and make talking about brokenness or trauma so much easier. They’re nonjudgmental and they’re more concerned with the present than the past or the future. If they sense danger, they run to safety, then go right back to grazing. They don’t stay up all night worrying about it. They go right back to enjoying and living life, taking it step by step, minute by minute. And they can teach us to do that.
After a challenging and uncertain few years, we remain confident in God’s provision for the ranch’s mission. We are grateful fo the ‘Journey Takers’ (Donors), Innovation Specialists (Volunteers) and participants (Champions) and are reminded as we continue and add new programs at the ranch that there is still good out there.
From Experiencing God day by day--
by Henry T. and Richard Blackaby
The most dramatic changes in your life will come from God’s initiative, not yours. The people God used mightily in Scripture were all ordinary people to whom He gave divine assignments that they never could have initiated. The Lord often took them by surprise for they were not seeking significant mandates form God. Even so, he saw their hearts, and He knew they were trustworthy.
Is God calling you? If so, why not join us in this life-changing ministry? Please contact us now. We’re anxious to share life and the experiences here at the ranch with you…..
"Never worry about numbers, help one person at a time and always start with the person closest to you."
-Mother Teresa |